
We’re writers, photographers and conservation educators who communicate the wonders, workings, beauty and fragility of nature and our relationship with it. We work with passion, commitment and hope for a better world.  

Key People

Chris Parsons holds a B.A. biology, M.A. in education, M.B.A. in international business, and Certificate in digital photography. She has worked in informal education settings for over 35 years, initially as staff educator and science writer at Sea World of California, San Diego Zoo, and the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Chris founded Word Craft in 1986 and Nature Focus in 2020 and has worked with nearly 100 aquariums, nature centers, zoos, museums, government agencies and research institutions on exhibit, education and outreach projects. Adding Nature Focus to Word Craft, she continues with prose and photos to educate the public about the planet we share with other organisms.

Kit Muhs holds a B.A. in biology and M.S. in marine science. As an environmental educator she has worked for Walden West Environmental Education Center, the Oceanic Society and Monterey Bay Aquarium. Kit taught biology and ecology at the community college level and has been a key part of the Word Craft team since 1992.

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