Holiday bird: Cedar Waxwing

The cedar waxwing is my December holiday bird.cedarwaxwing1-cmaparsons

Although many birds visit our area or migrate through in December, cedar waxwings are stand outs for me. The overall look is well-heeled as if ready for a fine event. Yet it’s not quite real — a bit too well coiffed for a bird. (According to Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the name is from waxy secretions from the wing tips, possibly alluring to mates.)

When a flock drops into a berried tree (they’re true frugivores), each bird delicately picks one berry at a time as would be expected of a well-mannered guest. They’d certainly be welcome at any holiday garden party.




This time of year they’re a wonderful sight — today I was fortunate enough to find a small flock gracing a tree near my office.


4 Comments on “Holiday bird: Cedar Waxwing

  1. I love this page. We have the Cedar Waxwings now in our Santa Cruz neighborhood. I look forward to this time of year when they come by the hundreds.


  2. Thank you.
    It was serendipity. I stopped at my office to pick up my camera for a morning of shooting, and there they were. Great start to a lovely day.

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